3 Things You Must Know About Food If You Want to Live Longer


No matter what you want to do in your life, I imagine that you want to
stay in this world as long as possible, and a plant-based diet may help you achieve this goal.

Image from Pinteres

Opinions around the plant-based diet are controversial, but the latest peer-reviewed research suggests that it gives you several health benefits that could help you live longer.

Here are the major three:

You will have fewer chances to get cancer

Each year, millions of people die from cancer. In 2018, only in the US, statistics shows that 1 million735,350 people were diagnosed with cancer and 609,640 didn’t survive the illness, as reportered by the American Cancer Society. Cancer is, indeed, the second leading cause of death, only after the death for heart diseases. Studies haven’t found a definitive cure yet, and we don’t know when scientists will find it.

What we can do is to do everything we can to prevent it, and living on a plant-based diet may help us to do that. Research shows, in fact, that a vegan diet conferred a significantly reduced risk of -15% of incidence from total cancer. Another study led by Dean Ornish, MD, and colleagues, showed that a plant-based diet combined with stress reduction and exercise was able to delay the advancement of prostate cancer in some patients.

You will be able to reverse diabetes symptoms

According to Diabetes.org, 252,806 people died for diabetes in 2015, leaving diabetes the 7th leading cause of death. Diabetes is a problem that causes blood glucose (sugar) levels to rise higher than normal. In order to lower your blood sugar and lose weight, you can follow the standard American Diabetes Association diet.  However, you may see more results if you switch to a whole food plant-based diet.

Indeed, researchers said that people who eat a low-fat vegan diet, cutting out all meat and dairy, lowered their blood sugar levels more than those on a standard American Diabetes Association diet. In addition, more research demonstrates that among patients with diabetes eating on a plant-based diet reduced visceral fat, improved oxidative stress markers, and insulin sensitivity.  Then if you are not diabetic, eating vegan may be a good way to prevent this illness, with a decreased risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.

You would be able to prevent, fight, and cure the number 1 cause of death

In the US, 1 every 4 deaths is for heart diseases with about 610.000 death every year according to the statistics. Heart disease is, indeed, the number 1 cause of death. By following a plant-based diet, however, you will be able to fight and, sometimes cure, heart-related illnesses.

Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, surgeon, nutritionist, and author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease (2007), in his trial of about 198 people with cardiovascular diseases, analyzed 177 patients that went on a whole food vegan diet and 21 that remained on a standard American diet. After 12 years, those who remained with their vegan diet only had a 0.6% chance of having heart attack or stroke, while those who remained on their regular diet had a 62% chance of having heart attack or stroke. Studies showed that for every three percent increase in calories from plant protein was found to reduce the risk of dying from heart disease by 12%.

By switching to a vegan diet, not only will you feel better, but you will also increase your life span having less chances of contracting three of the leading killers of our days.

Read the latest news about veganism:

A very vegan New Year: increasing numbers sign up for meat-free resolution

Veganism may prove a more durable diet fad

Some vegetarian diets more heart-healthy than others

Click HERE to watch a video of  Dr. Michael Greger explaining how a plant-based diet can help you to prevent, fight, and sometimes reverse the top 15 leading causes of death.

Then click HERE to watch a video of vegan science writer Mic the Vegan explaining through peer-reviewed studies how your body changes when switching to a plant-based diet.